"Kick-Ass Angel" (c)2023 A.M. Coy - All Rights Reserved

We All Need Kick-Ass Angels. (If you’re here for the fan art, scroll to the bottom.) 😛

Kick-Ass Angels, you heard me. None of these flappy-wing little Valentine cherubs! What can they do? (By the way, did you know the original kerubim were gigantic temple guardians in Ancient Akkadia? They’d crush those ridiculous babies! Which are from the Renaissance Era. But I digress.)

We Need Heavy-Duty Help

Back to the topic at hand. Our society is falling to bits. We’re at the edge of war, the environment’s melting, prices are nuts, and everyone’s going berserk. Enough of these gauzy happy guardian-floozies and bringers-of-good-dreams. We need some heavy-duty help, here!

Michael and Gabriel

Bring on the Archangel Michael, and his brother Archangel Gabriel. These two would drop-kick troublemakers into the next century. They are tough. They take no nonsense! And, incidentally, they are the only two angels mentioned by name in the Judeo-Christian Bible. (Unless you include a rather obscure Catholic version which includes a tale about some kid named Tobit flouncing around the countryside with Raphael. Long story. Anyway.)

Even the Islamic faith mentions Michael and Gabriel, especially Gabriel! He is their rockstar, in fact. They dress him up in green robes and flames, all fancy and super-powerful. Islamic Jibril, as he’s called, don’t take no shit.

(No I’m not researching this, I’m writing this down from memory. He might not have flames, I might have made that up. It’s 4 a.m. and I’m out of coffee.)

We Need More Kick-Ass Angels!

It may come as a surprise to some of you, but I like angels. I like the big ones, with the weapons.

Every so often, our popular culture depicts angels in this fashion. It makes me happy when this occurs. You can find it in movies like “Legion” (2010) and in television programs like “Dominion” (2014-2015). There are many other examples, but those are my two favorite.

Dominion Tribute

Yes, I have been known to make tributes a.k.a. “Fan Art” for Dominion. I have not done so in a very long time, but with the advent of AI art tools, I decided to see what I could cook up.

I proposed the question to myself: what would the Archangels Michael and Gabriel of Dominion look like, several years after the show ended? Hypothetically they would look different . . . possibly a bit scruffier . . . but still decidedly kick-ass angels. Therefore, I let the technology do its work, pulled the images out, and gently did my own work upon them. Below are the results!

I present these images in great fondness and respect for both the show’s creator (Vaun Wilmott) and for the actors depicted herein (Tom Wisdom and Carl Beukes).

Much Love to them, and to the Dominion Fandom as a whole. ♥

Tom Wisdom as Archangel Michael from Dominion - Redone for 2023! (Tribute by Wyvern Dryke 2023).  Kick Ass Angels!
Tom Wisdom as Archangel Michael from Dominion – Redone for 2023!
(Tribute by Wyvern Dryke 2023. If you use this pic please link here.)

Carl Beukes as Archangel Gabriel from Dominion - Redone for 2023! (Tribute by Wyvern Dryke 2023). Kick-Ass Angels!
Carl Beukes as Archangel Gabriel from Dominion – Redone for 2023!
(Tribute by Wyvern Dryke 2023. If you use this pic please link here.)

(No, I promise I did not tell the AI tool to make him shirtless. That just happened! The beauty of random algorithms. And maybe just a little FloxMonster™ magick.)

They are both so handsome and beautiful with long hair.

"Kick-Ass Angel" (c)2023 A.M. Coy - All Rights Reserved
“Kick-Ass Angel” (c)2023 A.M. Coy – All Rights Reserved
(This guy isn’t from Dominion… he’s mine.) 🙂

Conclusion: Kick-Ass Angels Are the Answer.

Even the staunchest Bible-Thumper must agree, if we had angels running around looking like the two above, our world-problems would get quickly solved. They would just go around smiting folks until everyone stopped disagreeing. LOL.

Assuming people could just stop staring at them.

. . . Sorry, what was I saying again?

FloxMonster™ Shop! - ©2022 A.M. Coy, All Rights Reserved
FloxMonster™ Shop! – ©2022 A.M. Coy, All Rights Reserved
FloxMonster™ ©2022 A.M.Coy - All Rights Reserved. You may not use this image.
FloxMonster™ ©2022 A.M.Coy – All Rights Reserved.

This page has been linked at Twitter here: https://twitter.com/WyvernDryke/status/1630518260885012480 and Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/aimlesscoyote/710495524540841984/new-dominion-fan-art-for-2023?source=share and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0opj9TE66Fq2iwFQZegZznErHcQrJUppTyBioPjqKovXKQoUzpxvMF9k4Sb1QJpocl&id=100089215954879

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One response to “We All Need Kick-Ass Angels. (If you’re here for the fan art, scroll to the bottom.) :-P”

  1. Kick-Ass angels are the best!

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