~Lantian/Flox~ EULA / TOS for Second Life

NOTE: This entry pertains to a feature of the Second Life meta- or hypergrid.

This EULA applies to all Full Perm items I create in the Second Life metagrid / virtual world.

Latest Update: 13 August 2022

Hello, my name is Wyvern Dryke.  Thank you for your interest in my products.  This is the End Users’ License Agreement for my Full Perm items.

First off, I have to admit, I spend a lot of time and energy making my creations.  So, thank you for respecting me, my effort, and my EULA/TOS.  My terms are simple.

By buying or receiving my Intellectual Property (“IP”) from me, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use it.  It legally remains my property, but you may use it freely under the following conditions:


  • Give/Sell/Trade it to anyone FULL PERM. It must be either COPY -or- TRANSFER.
        (If your build-partner wants a full perm copy, we can work out a deal.)
  • Give/Sell/Trade the UUIDs for it.
        (That is, don’t make a list of its keys and sell that. Yes, it’s been done.)
  • Place it or allow it to be placed on any website, network, or other online location.
        (That includes the “cloud” or virtual/meta grids other than Second Life.)
  • Generate, upload, send, or knowingly receive an illegal/”ripped” copy of it.
        (If it does not list me as creator, somebody stole it.)
  • Use it to express hatred or cause terror for any group.
        (No, not even that jerk who beat you up as a kid.  It’s just not cool, ok?)


  • Make a personal, backup copy by passing it to an alt and/or saving it to your computer.
        (Because shit happens, and I believe in fairness.  Save it locally, not online.)
  • Build things with it and sell/give away those creations, just not Full Perm.
        (Yes, even free.  No minimum price required!)
  • Make derivation textures or materials from it (or for it) and sell/give away those. Even Full Perm.
        (I would like credit though.  Also, they must be significantly different from my originals.)
  • Have a good time and create beautiful things.
        (Because that’s what they’re for! :D)


If you fail to follow the terms of this agreement, you automatically forfeit this license. Under United States and International law, I then have the right to take legal action against you, including but not limited to filing DMCA, legal suit, and criminal complaint.

Yes, Intellectual Property is important to me, and it should be to you.  Some day you may create something nice.  Would you want it stolen?

(No, you wouldn’t.)



And all shall be well!. ♥

Thank you,
Wyvern Dryke the FloxMonster™

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